
All those who Wander are not always lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

Sunday, January 8, 2012


OK, so I know that it's been a while. OK, a loooooong while. We sort of gave up on the blog, because, you know. We're just lazy people with no lives. Just kidding. We're just lazy, I haven't fallen down into the "no life" catagory just about yet.

When we first started this blog we wanted to combine a whole lot of different personalities to give our different views on life. So there's me, to boast on about things that people don't care about and whine over the latest fashion, Belle, who write fantastic stories and lives in a boarding school, so her daily life is always interesting. And then there's Kirsty. I don't know what she's supposed to write about. Stuff that she gets up to on the weekend?

So some of you may remember Be. She wrote in but then stopped writing because of some real life issues so she didn't have enough time to really knuckle down and write her awe-inspiring posts. Although, she still felt it necessary to annoy us until we wrote again. Hypocrite much? :P

Well, after she introduced me to this little community roll playing world on Facebook (yup, she's a roll-player) we started talking more and more (we used to be neighbours) and she admitted to missing blogging and reading peoples amazing blogs (she name dropped a few of them, but I can't remember, sorry -_-). And then she just kept talking about some stuff that I really don't care about, telling me the life story of some of the characters from a video game.

And that was when I got the idea. I asked her to come and write on our blog, as the gamer-girl, reviewing games and stuff. She agreed, just because if she does she'll get free time to ramble carlessly. She also wanted to write some stories and share them onto here. She rambles when she does that too, but I'm actually looking forward to it.

I'm just hoping that she manages to last on here (that we all do), longer than she lasted on TOS (aka, "tosser" according to Be, she laughs when she says this. Yes, at her own jokes. She still won't tell me why she's calling her own blog a "tosser"...)

She also wanted the name "Lady Nansei" because it's her gaming name. It doesn't really suit ours. But meh. So welcome into our world: Lady Nansei, or Nansei, or Lady.

All your love, Hannahbelle.


The White Haired Demon said...

Oh goodie. I've been missing her on her real blog, although I never new what made her leave, I just thought it was because she could. Poor girl. Will she be just making game reviews? I'm a fellow gamer-girl myself, so I'm looking forward to it.

LadyNansei said...

Lets try to make it last this time ;) Hi Ivy! Good to see you!

P.S. What is wrong with Roll-Playing? You make it sound like I've sprouted carrots out of my ears, and I don't roll play anyway, I just joined a community full of roll players, and find myself intrigued by what they do.

P.P.S. I used to roll player :D It wasn't fun on my own though.

P.P.P.S. And I won't just be writing game reviews and stories. There's not enough of them to last me forever. I'll probably return to TOS (heh heh heh) eventually. I just don't think I can fit into those shoes anymore, after I've already left them, and they got all mouldy and whatever.

P.P.P.P.S. If I'm getting my "p"s and "s"s wrong... Ooops.